Fearless MD

I am Dr. James Thompson

I created this website to use as a platform to assist others in transformational change as I continue on my journey that began about a decade ago. 

Our most prized possession is our health, but we don’t often realize it until later in life when things begin to go wrong. 

My mission is to spend as much time as possible assisting people in making their transformation through diet and lifestyle modifications.  

I based the curriculum on the “FEARLESS” approach. I formulated this acronym to reflect the eight areas of focus, starting with the most important: 

  • F- Food: Plant-based eating
  • E-  Exercise: Regularly
  • A- Avoid toxins: (tobacco…)
  • R- Restorative sleep 
  • L- Lessen stress
  • E- Engage your mind
  • S- Social energy (empathy)
  • S- Spiritual connectivity


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Three years ago, my church had a Men’s Health Day and Dr. James Thompson was the keynote speaker. At the time to the session, I was well over 290 pounds and blood sugar and blood pressure were very high. I was on the cusp of diabetes. Dr Thompson spoke that day on food choices. I am not a very disciplined person, but on that day I decided to try not to eat meat for a month. A month turned into a year and a year has now turned into three years. I have introduced way more exercise into my life but primarily my change was diet. I am now 226 pounds with hopes to get under 200 in the next year. Please note that I am vegetarian and not vegan. However, I have been trying to introduce less dairy into my diet. That is my next challenge. I think becoming a vegetarian forces you to make better food choices. It encourages you to cook and eat less fast food and fried foods. I tell everyone that Dr. Thompson changed my life that day. Regards,
Keysight Tech
Prior to health coaching with Dr. James Thompson, I thought I had a better-than-average grasp on a healthy lifestyle routines. Fortunately, I was open to learning more and discovered plenty! The positive impact of health coaching has made such a difference in life. I make better food choices, get better sleep, have more energy as a result, and manage stress better. Learning to identify ‘why’ makes the actions and routines, so much easier in transition. I highly recommend health coaching with Dr. Thompson!
Paula C.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ullamcorper, elit non dapibus fermentum, neque erat ullamcorper urna, sed vulputate mauris turpis id quam. Nunc est ipsum, euismod tempor pharetra sit amet, suscipit ut risus. Sed nunc nisl, dictum vitae congue vel, posuere nec tortor. In euismod elementum arcu, eget placerat velit condimentum molestie. Etiam interdum felis id turpis euismod eleifend.
Conceptual Photographer

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