Fearless MD

February 26, 2022

Foods To Avoid

Ten Reasons to Get Meat Off Your Plate It is a major source of saturated fat and cholesterol, increasing risks for heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, dementia and kidney disease. It increases your risk for the most common cancers, especially processed meat and red meat. It increases the level of a growth hormone, IGF-1 (insulin like

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Best Diet Tips

-Hit List for Dietary Transformation-  Frequently visit these sites: Forks Over Knives https://www.forksoverknives.com/meal-planner/ Dr. Michael Greger Fans: How Not to Die(Facebook) Jane Esselstyn: subscribe on YouTube https://youtu.be/4HIWXpy5J9I Chef AJ: YouTube https://youtu.be/MyDt85vUmKs Dr. Neal Barnard -PCRM.org website has wonderful recipes and YouTube presentations about health topics: Vegan Starter Kit https://youtu.be/yT-kKuXSu_I All the above have books that can be purchased on Amazon 

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